Beside the announced main themes, participants may submit papers or posters on any topics from the fields of biochemistry, cell biology and genetics.
Main topics
- Autophagy and intracellular trafficking
- Bioinformatics
- Cell differentiation, cell death and signaling
- Developmental genetics
- DNA repair and carcinogenesis
- Drug development
- Epigenetics, regulation of gene expression
- Genome manipulation, archaeogenetics
- Molecular bases of diseases
- Protein structure and function
- Plant biology
- Regulatory RNAs
- Stem cells
- Systems Biology
- Proteomics
Extended deadline for abstract submission:
14 February 2025
Abstracts should be prepared and submitted according to the instructions below:
- Language of the submitted abstract: English
- Title of abstract
- Full name of author(s), (Please write the full name for all co-authors, do not use initials)
- Affiliation of author(s)
- In case of multiple authors / affiliations, please use index numbers in superscript
- The maximum length of the summary is one A/4 page
- MS Word file, Times New Roman font type, 12 pts font size, single line spacing required
- Text files should not contain headers or footers
- Please avoid abbreviations, if used, please elaborate it at the first time
- Abstract template
Online abstract submission